Wednesday, November 13, 2013

To Tank or Not to Tank

I've heard more than one person say this season that we should all hope the Celtics tank this season to increase their chances of landing a top lottery pick in what looks to be a bumper crop of talent in the upcoming NBA draft.  ESPN's double header of NCAA basketball on Tuesday night certainly supported this notion by showcasing the talents of phenom freshmen Julius Randle of Kentucky, Jabari Parker of Duke and Andres Wiggins of Kansas.  Even the Celtics Jordan Crawford was caught tweeting during the Duke/Kansas game: "OH MY!!!! Parker"

According to ESPN, one NBA general manager is doing just that.  ESPN reported that a NBA general manager told one of their reporters on an anonymous basis that his team was tanking this season on purpose to improve their chances of drafting a top lottery pick "Our team isn't good enough to win and we know it." (The Art of the Tank).   This GM is apparently not Celtics GM Danny Ainge. He has emphatically denied that he is the GM that ESPN purportedly interviewed and the Celtics had no intention of tanking the season (Ainge Denial).

So what do you think?  Should the Celtics write off this season to improve their chances with landing a top lottery pick?  Or should the Celtics continue to strive to win and make the playoffs?

1 comment:

  1. tank.... not sure how a team does that but with they are in a good position to make a go of it
